General rental conditions

RSE Italia, due to supervening impossibilities of a technical and/or managerial nature, may cancel and/or move appointments on the calendar at any time. Likewise, the ongoing experience will be able to be suspended and/or canceled due to any impediment that hinders its continuation (for example: adverse weather conditions, vehicle breakdown). In such cases, the Customer will be offered the same service in another supercar of your choice among those present on site. In case of adversity weather, we will wait climate improvement.

Under no circumstances will the Customer have entitled to any reimbursement for change of appointment and/or vehicle breakdown, and will not be able to in any case and under no circumstances can you claim reimbursement from RSE Italia for expenses such as, for example, those incurred for hotels, flights, trains, restaurants and the like, nor is it the reimbursement of lost time and/or the so-called non-pecuniary damage connected to the failure to enjoy the package purchased on the scheduled day. In all cases of recovery of the experience, the package in the possession of the Customer (or the unused portion of it) will be converted into any other service that can be purchased on the RSE Italia website, taking into account the economic value of the unused package which will be  deducted from the cost of the driving experience chosen as a replacement. The Customer, if he chooses a package with a higher price than the one paid, will be required to pay the difference to RSE Italia. Otherwise, you will not be able to claim any refund for any portion not enjoyed.

The customer must have a valid B driving license.

The customer exonerates and holds RSE Italia harmless from any fault and/or liability for any accidents and damage to property and/or personal injuries that he may have sustained during his driving experience, renouncing (both for himself and for any successors in title: for example heirs) any liability action or compensation towards RSE Italia and/or third parties who make the cars used for the driving experience available in any capacity. The customer exonerates and holds RSE Italia harmless from any fault and/or liability for any accidents and damage that, while he himself was driving the car during the experience, he caused to the car and parts of it, as well as to third parties, including injuries.

The customer is aware that during his driving he is the one and only person responsible for damages and/or infringements of the highway code which he undertakes to respect

The customer is required to issue a copy of their signed driving licence, authorizing RSE Italia to communicate to the authorities for deduction of points in the event of subsequent infringements being reported while he was driving.

The customer will under no circumstances have right to reimbursement in the event of removal from the car fleet of a car chosen during the purchase phase, and with the assignment of a car of a higher category in terms of price and declaredly greater power and performance be largely satisfied without any further complaints or claims.

The customer undertakes to respect the instructions of the co-pilot/instructor and accepts that, otherwise, the driving experience will be discontinued without any refund.

The customer undertakes to comply without reservation with the regulations in force and referred to in the Highway Code.